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Here’s What Really Matters With Your Expo Display

Without great booth design and excellent displays, you are unlikely to do well attracting people. But, despite what you may think, your booth display is not what matters most. Your behavior is the critical element that will help you attract visitors, make real connections, build relationships, and make sales. We see it time and time again. A well-designed booth sits at an expo like a cage, and inside is a business owner with a bad attitude and poor etiquette. The world of trade shows might be smaller than you think. Trade show attendees who gain a reputation for being difficult to work with, rude, or otherwise unpleasant, soon find that attending future trade shows becomes difficult.

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Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Successful Convention Displays

Ever wondered what industry insiders know about trade shows that you don’t? Expert knowledge comes with working in the trade show industry for many years. Those in the know have done their time, made mistakes, and worked out what leads to success.
You don’t have to spend a lifetime working out what’s best for your convention display. We’ve gathered together a valuable collection of insider tips, advice, and knowledge.
Tried and tested, you can use this valuable advice as a blueprint for your trade show convention display. While you might not get everything right the first time around, you will find that your trade show experience can be more successful by using this information effectively.

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How Technology is Changing Trade Show Seminars

Successful seminars are engaging, emotive, and motivate an audience. What you say is, of course, down to you, but you can create the right atmosphere and give your speech the “wow factor” by taking advantage of the latest technology. With more and more innovative technology solutions coming to the market every year, it can be a tough choice deciding what to use. The right decisions, however, can elevate your seminar from mediocre to amazing. Here’s how technology is changing seminars for the better every year.