A Productive Rant About Trade Show Banners

The whole point of trade shows and expos is to increase your customer base and show off your brand in its best light. If you’ve got a bad banner design, then you may as well stay at home. If a banner’s job is to send a message loud and clear, a bad banner sends a message loud and unclear.

world map

From Around the World: 10 Awesome Photos of Convention Displays

From technology-based exhibits using futuristic designs to more down to earth, traditional styles used for food companies, the use of bright, bubblegum colors to more subdued color themes, the possibilities are limited only by the imagination. Fusing local culture with modern ideas and intelligent design techniques, we showcase ten awesome convention displays to inspire you.

learning about a good trade show booth

A Newbies Guide to Exhibition Booths

Like any business investment, your organization wants to see a return on the money and time it puts into a trade show. Many make the mistake of thinking that merely showing up and talking to a few people is enough. Another common mistake is that an organization puts a lot of effort into the trade show without determining how to measure success. Knowing that you’ve succeeded during a trade show requires a careful approach and hard data. Without that, you’re going on nothing but a gut feeling. You won’t know what you did or how much it benefited or hindered your business.

rendered conference display booth

Our Favorite Conference Booth Displays

Whenever you attend trade shows, you will always find one booth that stands head and shoulders above the rest. If that booth happens to be yours – well done! You have achieved a level of greatness that other booth holders dream of achieving. If it’s not your booth, this is your opportunity to study the best booths and see what you can learn.
Great design takes skill and practice so look to the masters and see how you can use their techniques to improve your booth design. When it comes to trade show booths, we often think we’ve seen it all, but businesses continue to surprise us with smart, stunning, and innovative designs.