Should I rent or buy a booth for my tradeshow?
This depends upon a number of things such as; how many shows will you be attending, are you a first time exhibitor, and what are your budget constrains? If you’re planning to attend several event’s throughout the year, typically by the time you rent the same booth 3 times, you probably should have bought it. If this is your first Large event, you might want to consider a rental, as we like our customers to be completely satisfied with their Booth before they purchase it. There’s a lot of economical displays to choose from, for the most part they are under the Portable Category. If you want to have a more impactful appearance, but your budget won’t allow you to upgrade to the Custom Display Category, our Custom Rental Solution will be ideal for you.
Can you help me set up my booth?
Yes we can help set up your booth in nearly every city across the US and major cities throughout Europe.
How do I fill out all this paperwork?
It looks intimidating but is fairly easy. Once you have a tutorial or hire our Show Services Department to fill them out, you will then have a template for any future events. You may also hire our Show Services Department to fill them out every time, which we highly recommend, as we will invest the time to research your events guidelines and regulations, while you can focus your time on coordinating your companies internal goals for the event.
Will I need electricity?
If you want power to your booth space, or if your trade show display requires power, then yes you will need to submit the proper forms to order electricity.Depending on the city you are exhibiting in, you will be required to order electricity in your booth and also hire union labor to hook up any lighting and A/V requirements. Our Show Services Department can help you find this information in your events exhibitor kit.
What is material handling?
Material Handling is the cost you pay directly to the show manager for handling your items within the events premises. We can deliver direct to show or to advance warehouse locations, but show management will charge you for the unloading of the items, and the delivery of the items to your booth space. Our Show Services Department can help you determine if you should ship direct to show or to advance warehouse.
How do I submit my graphics?
Files can uploaded here. Clear the field where it says “Your e-mail:” and then enter in your email address. The password is upload1.
Can you help me with the graphics?
Yes we can! We can produce graphics using files provided by your graphic designer. Don’t have access to a designer? We have graphic designers on staff who are ready to help. We can work with existing style guides, a provided concept, or come up with a concept completely from scratch. Call us to discuss your needs!