Banners and Banner Stands

The Exhibit Company offers trade show banners and banner stands of all sizes! Some banner stands feature removable cassettes for ease of changing out graphics. You can fit 3 banner stands with lights and a literature rack all in one case. We even have special banner stands for outdoor use. See the latest digital banner stand.


Retractable banner stands have become a popular way to add additional graphics to a trade show exhibit or retail environment. Most are lightweight which makes them easy to transport and set up. Some feature removable cassettes for ease of changing out graphics. Three stands with lights can fit in one case. Most come with an easy to carry bag.

Banner stands come in several sizes - from 8.5” wide to 8 feet wide! They also vary in height - from tabletop units to 8ft+. Most are of aluminum construction.

Browse our gallery of banners and banner stands right here. If you have any questions and want to learn more about the large variety of banners and banner stands we have to offer contact us here. We will be happy to help you.


Mosquito retractable bannerstand
Solo retractable bannerstand
Phoenix retractable bannerstand
Start Economic retractable bannerstand
Dragonfly retractable bannerstand
Pacific slim base retractable bannerstand
Maui retractable bannerstand
Blade Lite retractable bannerstand
Silverstep retractable bannerstand
Silverwing retractable bannerstand
Orient retractable bannerstand
Doublestep double sided retractable bannerstand
Advance double sided retractable bannerstand
Contender retractable bannerstand
Merlin retractable bannerstand
Barracuda retractable bannerstand
Elevate retractable bannerstand
Excalibur retractable bannerstand
Imagine retractable bannerstand
Advance double sided banner stand
retractable backdrop 8 ft
Premium M2 bannerstand
Bamboo retractable bannerstand
Bamboo retractable bannerstand
mini restractble bannerstand
Bloomer retractable bannerstands
Retractable bannerstand with variable heights
Game Church retractable bannerstands
California Select retractable bannerstands with podium
Solco retractable bannerstands as backwall retractable bannerstands as backwall
Workway retractable bannerstands as backwall
outdoor flag pole banner
Graphic display stand with hard shipping case
Outdoor flag with telescopic pole
outdoor flag pole banners
Stretch fabric display stands
Table top display stands with matching table throw
retractable bannerstand with shipping case
Outdoor bannerstand with fillable weighted base
Outdoor flag with base
Outdoor bannerstand with fillable weighted base
Outdoor bannerstand with weighted base
Double sided outdoor bannerstand with weighted base
banner flags

As one might expect, quality levels vary greatly. The lower priced items provide the basics. The largest variance between inexpensive and the top of the line is in the construction of the retractable mechanism. Many higher priced versions also come with warranties.

Banners aren’t just for trade shows. There are several styles available for outdoors. Outdoor banner stands come with anchoring systems to secure the stand in windy conditions.

Outdoor flags and banners are great for businesses and can withstand incumbent weather. They come in several shapes and sizes and are very durable. Set-up is relatively easy. Most feature linked pole construction and are available with ground screws or platform stands.

From 8 ½” x 11” to 8’ wide

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