The Exhibit Company

Trade Show Effective And Successful Strategies

Trade Show Effective And Successful Strategies

Trade Show Effective And Successful Strategies

Whether you’ve been going to trade shows for years now or you’re preparing for your very first trade show, you’ll be happier with the results of the event if you have a plan in place. Your team will need to have a strategy for making sure you are appealing to attendees and giving potential business partners and CEOs the right impression of your company. Keep these tips for success in mind as you get ready for an upcoming trade show.

Keep Up With Technology

Your trade show strategy plan should include the latest in technology. This shows you’re keeping up with trends and want to use the new features you learn about to make your business better. Incorporate these technological trends into your exhibit by showing attendees how to use apps that show them your products’ features or download an app that allows you to easily generate leads. This sends the message to potential customers you’ll always do what you can to better serve them and make your services and products more convenient.

Know Your “Script”

One of the trade show tips and tricks you’ll also need to keep in mind is your “script,” or the points you want to cover when you talk to attendees. It’s important your team knows what to say to attendees and how to answer important questions. Of course, you’ll also need to choose team members who are naturally friendly, experienced with your products, and unafraid to talk to strangers. It’s also perfectly fine to let each team member put his or her own personal spin on the script so it doesn’t sound robotic or overly rehearsed.

Don’t Try to Sell

When you’re coming up with a trade show marketing strategy, make sure you don’t try to sell your products or services to everyone who comes to your booth. If potential customers feel you’re only trying to make a sale and aren’t listening to their questions or concerns, they’re going to be turned off, which could affect your company’s bottom line. Be friendly and engaging and show pride in your product, but don’t appear too forceful or eager.

Create an Effective Booth

Having a successful trade show is a matter of setting up an exhibit that is compelling and creative. Be sure all the written material on your banners and stands is easy to read and use colors that are appealing to your brand and the visitor’s eyes. If you want to add a creative element, such as colored lighting or glitter effects, use these as accessories so they are attention-getting but don’t take away from your marketing message. Remember the colors you use are important. For instance, neon colors are fun and exciting, jewel tones are refined, primary colors are ideal for children’s products, and pastel colors can be used to show your products are free of harsh ingredients. Work with your creative team to make sure the way you express yourself artistically will attract the right customers.

The Exhibit Company is here to help you have an effective and successful trade show. We provide complete trade show exhibit systems starting with the layout and design and the construction of rentals, modular units, all accessories and so much more. Our expert team will work with you one on one or with your team to make your show simply the best! Contact The Exhibit Company.  We are located in Camarillo, CA but provide complete trade show exhibition booths, displays, and accessories all across the country from CA, to Florida, Maine, NYC and in between. If you are international we can help you as well.

Give us a call at 800-576-0018

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