The Exhibit Company

Ways to Make People Fall In Love With Your Exposition Display 

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Ways to Make People Fall In Love With Your Exposition Display 

Feb 26, 2019 | Trade Show Exhibit Displays

Ways to Make People Fall In Love With Your Exposition Display 

Having a booth at a trade show or exhibition is usually a considerable investment. The booth fee, set design and build, and marketing material can soon add up to a significant amount. When you take all this into consideration, it’s surprising how many people’s displays fail to catch attention and fail to generate great ROI. After spending cash on having a presence at an expo, it is very disappointing to discover that you haven’t been able to capitalize on the opportunity.

If you’ve decided to invest in having a display for an upcoming expo, the crucial part is to make sure you’re not ignored. Whether you’re gaining leads, selling products or services, or just getting your name out there, make sure you’re maximizing your chances of success:


Build the hype

Nowadays, it simply isn’t enough to just turn up on the day of the event with your booth display. Sure, there will be lots of people at the tradeshow, but existing familiarity with your brand will help generate buzz, interest, leads, and sales on the day.

Start building the hype weeks before the event by harnessing the power of social media. Whip up enthusiasm with teasers on your display design. Offer discounts, goody bags, or the chance to enter a competition. And be bold about telling people why they should come and visit your stand.

Getting people excited about your booth beforehand will ensure they make a beeline for you as soon as they arrive at the event. If they’re in love with the idea of your booth before the event even starts, you’re already winning; your chances of success increase dramatically.


Up the freebie stakes

Offering freebies is a great way to get people flocking to your stand. However, there are enough pens, notepads, memory sticks and stress balls at expo events to sink a battleship. Don’t fall into the trap of giving something unnecessary and unwanted. Go against the grain and offer up a freebie that people actually want to get their hands on.

The best freebies will have people walking across the venue to get one when they see other people’s or hear people talking about them. Then they will queue up to get their own.

There are loads of options to suit all budgets from quirky gadgets to amusing toys. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s relevant to your booth; otherwise, people may be confused as to why it’s being offered and your brand may become forgettable.


Invest in great design

People remember booths that have the instant wow factor. Your booth doesn’t have to be huge to make an impact, but it does need to have sleek and professional design to entice people over.

Choosing furniture that fits the space, creating areas for different uses (displays, demonstrations, and conversations, for example) and having a cohesive color and graphics theme are essential. If a booth looks messy or unprofessional, it’ll get lost amongst all your competitors.


Make the best use of the space

Whether you have a small booth or a huge area, it pays to make the best use of the space available.

This means not cramming small booths with loads of furniture and displays. Similarly, don’t under-dress a large space.

Too many businesses at trade shows make make the fatal error of blocking the entrance with tables, creating a physical barrier between them and the very people they are trying to attract.

Your space should be easy to move around in with clear areas for different uses.


Get the right staff

No one likes to have pushy sales people forcing their pitch upon them, but people don’t like to be completely ignored either.

Striking the right balance between the two is vital at expo events. Staff need to be friendly, cheerful and approachable, as well as equipped with the proper knowledge about your business.

They also need to be able to recognize when someone doesn’t want to have a conversation and to leave them alone.

Select your staff carefully. Offer training and “dress rehearsals” before the event, so your staff not only understands what to expect and how to behave but so they can do it too.

You can have the best booth design in the world, but if your staff aren’t on point, you’ll miss out big time.


Make it fun

Let’s face it, some expo events aren’t the most thrilling things on earth, especially if it’s non-tangible services. It can be challenging to make insurance or retirement planning enticing.

You can overcome this by turning your booth into a mini party. Music, a few games, and people, including staff, that are genuinely enjoying themselves will make heads turn.

If allowed, you could even have a drinks bar and offer a glass of something refreshing to visitors.

Having a quieter area for those wanting to have a conversation about your products is wise, but make sure the front of your booth is the life and soul of the event.


Create cool visuals

Take advantage of the technology on offer and create some eye-catching visuals. Smart lighting, slick videos, or even interactive displays, such as touch screens, are worth investing in to make your design more cohesive and impactful.


Give yourself time

Creating the right booth design requires careful thought and planning. Last-minute efforts won’t do. They tend to fail.

Start your booth design well in advance and give it the time and consideration that your organization deserves.

Better still, get the experts in to help you create your perfect display. Exhibition display designers have extensive knowledge about tradeshows and expos and can help you create a show-stopping booth no matter what your budget is.

It may cost more to hire professionals initially, but the investment will pay off when you have a fully operational, professional, exciting booth design that attracts crowds.

Don’t pale into insignificance at expo events. Give your booth the attention it needs to stand out. You’ll fall in love with its great design. More importantly, your customers will love it too.

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